Now you can add your VLC Media Player to Ubuntu Sound Menu because the last version of VLC Media Player 2.0 got support for MPRIS version2. Here is the method to enable this feature.
First open your VLC Media Player 2.0. Then go to Tools -> Preferences.
Now select All radio button from Show Settings and go to Interface -> Control Interface. Now click the checkbox D-Bus Control interface and save the settings and restart you VLC Media Player 2.0 for the change.
Now you can see the VLC 2.0 on your Ubuntu Sound Menu.
If you are using VLC media player in Ubuntu then there is an update in VLC. VLC player released its 2.0 version on their ppa repositories. There is two ways to install VLC player in your Ubuntu. First you add their ppa yo your software sources by the this instruction. Or you can add it from terminal, for that you have to enter the following commands in terminal.
Apart from that in VLC 2.0 many new features and support for many new codes are included. And one new experiment for Blu-Ray is there so it can play Blu-Ray also but as it experimental, some problems are there for Blu-Ray.
In this snapshot tour you can find tutorial of how to establish mobile broadband connection using Mobile with data cable or bluetooth or using any USB wireless modem. Here is the steps of establishing connection.
First open network connection from your dash [if you are using ubuntu 11.04 or higher version] or from system -> preference -> network connection [if you are using ubuntu 10.10 or lower version]. Then go to Mobile Broadband tab.
And then click on add button and then select your device and click continue.
Now select your provider's country or region and click continue and select your providers or you can add it manually.
Then choosing your tariff plan or if your plan is not listed then enter your APN address of your own plan and click continue and click on apply.
Now give the name and save the configuration. Then connect this connection from right side of the top bar.